Your dog should master these 7 commands

Sit, down, stay and here – there are many commands. But which ones do you really need for a relaxed life together with your dog and which ones are just nice tricks? Here are the seven must haves of dog training.

Why commands? Commands are more than just little tricks that your dog performs for a tasty reward . Commands make it easier for you and your furry friend to live together and ensure a relaxed everyday life. In an emergency, commands even save lives. The recall will get your dog out of a precarious situation and the command “Out!” will keep your dog from eating something wrong. The basic commands are not only the basis for a good upbringing of your fur nose, but also necessary for your coexistence.

These commands are worth their weight in gold!

1) Command Seat Seat is probably the most popular command for dogs. Sit relaxed when greeting someone or waiting at traffic lights. Sitting down is an important command that your darling should be able to do. It brings some calm into every situation and your dog knows that he should currently wait sitting.

2) Command down Lie down and wait. The command “Down!” is also one of the absolute standards among dog commands. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in the vet’s waiting room or in the basket at home, your furry friend should lie down when you command them to “down!” and learn that nothing is going to happen for now. An essential command for relaxing your dog.

3) Stay command As soon as you step away from your dog away, does he happily jump up and want to run after you? What is very cute at the beginning can get really annoying in the long run. With the command “Stay!” you teach your dog to sit or lie down and wait. Alternatively, you can also teach your furry friend that commands such as “Sit!” or “Down!” are valid until you cancel them with an “OK!”

4) The recall command “Here!”, “Come!” or another command – there are different variants for the recall. With the recall you should be able to call your little adventurer back to you. It doesn’t matter whether your dog is running off a leash along a forest path or romping around with other playmates – the recall has to be right! Especially when meeting other dogs or people, you should be able to call your dog back to you quickly and safely. Without a functioning recall, letting your dog run free can quickly become a danger to himself and others.

5) By foot From left to right and all over the place – your darling on the leash often changes sides and you need both hands to handle the leash chaos. Phew, that’s annoying! The command “Heel!” is great for this. Your dog knows that they are now running parallel to you. If you meet other dogs, walking at heel also gives your dog the necessary security because he is so close to you.

6) Command Off It doesn’t matter whether it’s playing ball or objects that your furry friend carries around. The command “Out!” signals your dog to put objects out of its mouth. And that can save lives! Unfortunately, poisoned baits are no longer uncommon in forests or dog parks.

7) Command No Cast from time to time our dogs show a behavior that we don’t think is great. Chew on shoes or jump for joy as a greeting. We also need a command for unwanted behavior to show our fur nose that this behavior is not okay. The easiest way is to use the command “No!”.

Teach commands

Once you start living with your dog, some commands and commands should also be trained. That doesn’t mean you have to practice commands with your tired pup on Day 1. However, “No” in particular should really be practiced from the first minute. All other commands can be taught gradually and playfully.

One after the other Your fur nose should be as fast as possible learn all commands? Your desire is understandable, but you should take it slow. Practice the commands one after the other and wait until a command really works. If your dog mixes up several commands, it is difficult to pick them apart afterwards.

Train regularly Train rather a few minutes every day than once a week for an hour. Repeat learned commands and check whether your four-legged friend has really internalized the commands. If you have a command, you can gradually add more commands.

Reward your furry friend

Dogs love to learn, but even better when rewarded with treats. There is hardly a trick that Bello, Luna and Co. would not like to perform for a treat. You can use this motivation in training. Reward your fur nose for correct behavior and the commands will soon be in place. Be patient with new commands if they don’t work right away. If something goes suuuuuper or priiiiima, support the treat with a bright voice. At some point, the treats become a minor matter and your vote is enough as a reward.

Training keeps you fit Small exercises are not Only suitable for puppies or young dogs. Practice the commands regularly with your experienced four-legged friend or incorporate them into your walks. This keeps your dog mentally fit.

Look for commands that suit you The listed commands make living with your furry friend easier and take care of you relaxed handling and safety of your dog. But there are still dozens of commands that you can teach your dog. Giving paws, rolling, crawling, embarrassing, jumping, kissing or even playing dead are great ways to keep your dog’s head fit. Plus, learning together is great for bonding. But before that, the basics should be in place.

What terms do I use for commands? We have written down the absolute classic commands for you here. You can of course adjust the terms. Many dog ​​owners also use “Runter!” or “Down!” for “Platz!”. For some, “down” is also the additional resting of the head in place. In the end it doesn’t matter which terms you use for the commands. You should only stick to a single term per command.

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