Cat limps: Osteoarthritis and other causes

If your beloved velvet paw limps and can no longer walk properly, the worries are great. Your cat’s life is full of adventures: jumping over fences, climbing trees and chasing mice. It can happen that your cat lands wrong when jumping and sustains an injury. As soon as Kitti no longer jumps and hobbles lightly through one of the seven cat lives, action is required. But what are the actual reasons why your little cat has problems walking? We will explain the reasons why your cat is limping and how you can prevent certain diseases.

Why your cat is limping

If your little cat is limping, there are various reasons for this. With your cat’s active lifestyle, it can happen that a jump goes wrong in all the adventures, a neighboring cat gets cheeky or a paw twists on uneven ground. But different diseases, such as arthrosis, can also be the reason why your cat is limping.

Trains and sprains Climbing trees, jumping fences – cats are always on the move. If your cat doesn’t land optimally on its four paws when it jumps or falls, minor strains or sprains are the result. In many cases, these will heal on their own and only require a little rest. Your vet will certainly take an X-ray to rule out fractures.

Fractures A broken bone in your velvet paw is one more serious matter and will not heal on its own. In order for the bone to grow back together properly, your cat will have to spend the next time in splints or a plaster cast. A fracture usually occurs after a fall or accident. In the case of complicated fractures, an operation is sometimes necessary so that the fracture can heal well.

Torn claw Climbing up trees or cushioning jumps – cats need their claws every day. If your darling was a bit too high on an adventure, it can quickly happen that a claw tears out. It often bleeds heavily at the point where the claw was injured. Clean the paw with water and wound spray and put a small bandage around it. If the paw swells, your cat is in severe pain or can no longer walk, an immediate visit to the vet is announced.

Burns Especially in summer, the asphalt floor is much too hot for the sensitive cat’s paws. So if your house tiger runs on ground that is too hot, burns can form under the paws. There is also a danger in the household: the stovetop. If your darling has burned their paws, rinse their paws under cold water. Depending on the severity of the burns, you should go to the vet immediately.

Bisse Did your cat get along with the neighbour’s cat put on, the little brawler may bring home injuries such as bite injuries. After minor territorial fights, it’s not uncommon for your cat to limp. If the wounds are bleeding profusely and your cat is in pain, you should definitely go to the vet and have your cat examined. You should also disinfect and monitor the smaller wounds. Unfortunately, cat bites from strange tigers quickly become infected.

Arthrosis Limping in cats can also indicate an illness with arthrosis . Older or overweight house cats in particular are rarely spared from joint wear and tear syndrome. Unfortunately, osteoarthritis itself cannot be cured. With painkillers and feed additives, however, you can make life a little easier for your cat and prevent the arthrosis from getting worse. You should clarify a possible joint disease directly with the veterinarian. In addition to limping, symptoms that indicate arthrosis are above all swollen joints or changes in behavior.

Cat is limping – what to do? If your If your cat is limping, it is best to ask your vet for advice. With the naked eye you can usually not see whether your cat has only slightly strained itself, or whether there is a serious fracture behind it and it is suffering from severe pain.

If your cat only slightly limp and you otherwise none If you notice other symptoms, you can also wait a day before taking your velvet paw to the vet. If your cat’s appearance is only uncomfortable for a short period of time, she will probably lie down or sleep a lot to rest. However, if the limping persists or even worsens, you should not waste any time and consult the vet.

If you experience these signs, you should consult the vet immediately

Head to the vet immediately if your Cat can no longer walk and is in severe pain.

nods his head with every step can’t be touched refuses food has swollen paws or legs has visible injuries such as (bite) wounds staggers, walks awkwardly, or slips legs has paralyzed hind legs Observe your cat closely as soon as you notice this limp noticeable. Hobbing is a serious symptom in cats, and fractures or other types of fractures can worsen over time.

Prophylaxis and Musculoskeletal Support

As soon as your cat has problems with its legs or paws, it’s time to go to the veterinarian line up. But you also have various options in advance to support your cat’s musculoskeletal system in order to avoid later illnesses.

Correct food, especially during growth: Pay attention to nutrient-rich food for optimal development during growth. Feed additives for the joints: You simply mix powder such as our joint complex into the feed of your house tiger. The joints of your cat are optimally supported by the natural ingredients. Avoid obesity: Older cats tend to be overweight osteoarthritis risk. If your cat is overweight, the risk of developing arthrosis increases again. Sufficient exercise: The best prevention Sufficient exercise is enough to prevent arthrosis later on. Play with your cat regularly so that it gets enough exercise. However, avoid big jumps or tight turning maneuvers, as this puts a lot of strain on your cat’s joints. If you pay attention to a healthy diet, suitable feed additives and sufficient exercise for your cat from a young age, you can minimize the risk of osteoarthritis or other diseases. However, certain cat breeds are more prone to joint disorders than others.

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