Cat With Stomach Pain: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Stomach ache and abdominal pain are not unique to humans. Even cats, our beloved four-legged friends, are plagued by gastrointestinal complaints from time to time. This is how you can recognize abdominal pain in your cat and treat it correctly!

When cats experience abdominal pain, it is usually a standard stomach upset accompanied by constipation, gas or diarrhea.

Sometimes it occurs a slight fever. A little rest, a light stomach massage and a few days of bland food will quickly get your cat back on its feet.

Our house tigers have a strong will to survive, so you can relieve the stomach ache that your Torture animals, often not noticed immediately. There is only cause for concern when your darling shows symptoms other than a protective reaction. Then it is your duty as a cat owner to arrange a visit to the vet.

These are typical symptoms

If abdominal pain in cats is accompanied by symptoms such as sluggishness, tenderness of the abdomen to the touch, or a sluggish gait, it’s possible that your feline friend is suffering from a serious disease.

Loss of appetite is another sign that your pet’s health is compromised and the gastrointestinal tract is not working properly.

Vomiting, on the other hand, should not be overestimated in domestic cats. Cats are very clean and constantly clean their fur. This gets hair and dust particles into the stomach, which the animal throws back to the surface through vomiting. A trip to the vet should only be scheduled if this process is repeated frequently.The consistency of the stool also indicates when your cat is having problems digesting it . Both loose stools and no stools are signs that your cat is suffering from an upset stomach and abdominal pain.

Parasitic infestation may be present in conjunction with frequent vomiting and a risk of life-threatening fluid loss. If there is blood in the stool, a number of other diseases can be the cause.

Vomiting or diarrhea, but also fever indicate the cause of abdominal pain in the cat. Image: Tom Wang / A cat is not used to showing pain. This is due to evolution. Cats were domesticated relatively recently. Previously, they lived in the wild and any sign of weakness would attract their natural predators and other dangerous animals.

If a cat shows abdominal pain, the symptoms are and Diseases are usually more advanced.

If your cat suffers from abdominal pain and other symptoms such as those described above occur, there are a wide range of possible causes. The following reasons can be considered for abdominal pain in cats:

Poisoning: Poisoning occurs in both outdoor cats and cats that are exclusively be kept in the apartment, not uncommon. Cleaning agents and some indoor plants are constant sources of danger. Spoiled cat food or certain foods such as leeks or raw potatoes cause a cat to experience painful stomach upset. Depending on the type of poisoning, breathing difficulties, tremors, diarrhea and vomiting must be expected. In severe cases, unconsciousness occurs. If poisoning is suspected, the veterinarian should be consulted immediately. Indigestible items swallowed: It gets complicated when your cat has swallowed a foreign object. It can be a pebble, a piece of string or a coin that causes injuries and irritation in the gastrointestinal tract. It comes to abdominal pain or constipation up to an intestinal blockage. It is usually necessary for a veterinarian to surgically remove the foreign body. Eating behavior: Cats only have a small stomach. You should eat many small meals throughout the day. If your cat eats too much at once, severe stomach pains can result. Food that is too cold can also cause your four-legged friend to feel upset by the meal. Before feeding you should therefore take the food out of the fridge and wait until it has reached room temperature. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa: Gastritis is often the reason for abdominal pain in cats. Such is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which protects the walls of the stomach from corrosive gastric acid. These painful conditions occur when the stomach lining is weakened by spoiled food, a tumor, an allergy or a certain medication. Symptoms of gastritis are characterized by lethargy and loss of appetite. Food, mucus, and blood are vomited. While mild gastritis can be counteracted with a bland diet, chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa must be treated by a veterinarian. Infection of the gastrointestinal tract: Infection is accompanied by symptoms similar to those of gastritis. High fever can also occur. Constipation: Constipation has many causes. In addition to the foreign body mentioned above, obesity, an intestinal disease, stress, lack of fluid intake or certain medications can all lead to the cat having fewer bowel movements. As a rule, constipation triggers severe abdominal pain after some time. The feces of the cat is of a very solid and dry consistency. Loss of appetite, exhaustion and excessive vomiting are the result. Severe constipation left untreated can lead to dehydration or cause a bowel obstruction, so a veterinarian should be consulted. Injury: Internal injuries that are accompanied by abdominal pain are problematic. These can be caused by a turf war or by swallowing a foreign object. The lesions are not visible at first glance. They are indicated by blood in the feces, mouth, or vomit. In this case, a trip to the vet is urgently recommended. Allergy to certain food: Some cats are allergic to certain ingredients in food. This is noticeable through abdominal pain, problems with digestion, breathing difficulties and changes in the appearance of the coat. In serious cases, a change in character can occur in the cat. Help the cat with stomach pain

If your cat has stomach pains, it is important to keep them under close observation. The reasons are often to be found in the wrong food. You can try reducing the amount of food or giving smaller portions. In addition, a home-cooked bland diet of chicken and rice can help soothe the cat’s stomach and digestive system.

For some animals, switching food has shown satisfactory results. In general, it can be said that high-quality cat food reduces the risk of abdominal pain. It is important to discover sources of protein that do not give your cat stomach ache.

The animal should always drink plenty of fluids to prevent fluid loss that occurs with excessive vomiting and with diarrhea occurs, is compensated. If there is no improvement despite the measures, a prompt visit to the veterinarian is announced.

In many cases, a massage of the abdomen is sufficient, which is carried out gently and without pressure. The cat should be in a relaxed, lying position. Slowly move your fingers in circular motions from the inside out and top to bottom for about 5 minutes Stroke top and bottom of cat’s tummy. Gas will go away and the stomach ache will go away.

In the case of milder moods and constipation, natural cooking oil has a laxative effect. Cats usually prefer salmon oil to other products such as linseed oil, hemp oil, canola oil or olive oil. You simply put a teaspoon of it in the food.

You can also stimulate your cat’s bowel movements if you put a bowl of milk in front of it or give it some cream.

Stomach pain should be taken seriously

Many kinds of Stomach pain in your cat is harmless. They will disappear again after a while if you massage the stomach or feed them light food. If your cat’s abdominal pain doesn’t go away, if there is bleeding in the stool or saliva, or if there is persistent constipation, you shouldn’t shy away from going to the vet.

FAQ – Frequently asked questions about abdominal pain in cats

Stomach pain in cats is a topic that touches many people. You have one or the other question, which is why we are answering the most common ones here:

Stomach pains in cats become noticeable when the animal assumes a hunched posture and refuses to be touched on the stomach.

Lighter moods can be addressed with a massage and light diet. In addition, the cat should be given enough clean water. If other symptoms occur, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately.

Slight abdominal pain ensures that Your cat will appear disinterested and calmer than usual. On the other hand, if the pain is severe, she seems rather tired, in some cases overly irritable.

Cat with stomach pain – conclusion

As in For us humans and also dogs, abdominal pain is a complaint that occurs again and again. As a rule, they are harmless and do not indicate a serious illness. Only in connection with other symptoms caution is called for. Then going to the vet is the only option to get rid of your cat’s stomach ache.

Featured Image ( top): larisa Stefanjuk /

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