Russian Blue Cat: Elegant, playful, calm

“>The Russian Blue is visually an extremely elegant cat with a sporty silhouette. The body is long and, despite the muscular build, comparatively delicate.

Her wedge-shaped head has wide-set ears and a distinctive, defining whisker pad that moves with her round or oval-shaped paws little house tiger elegantly through the apartment. First and foremost her fur, more precisely the Fur structure , represents a special feature: The Russian Blue is the only breed that has undercoat hair and top hair of the same length. It’s plush and shimmery. “>The blue-grey coat of the Russian Blue is characteristic of the velvet paw. The breed standard only allows shades of blue here, so that all cats have a monochromatic coat in, for example Possess blue or blue-grey.Good to know: Especially with young cats, it is not uncommon for them to initially have a coat of fur different shades of blue. There are also coat markings. As the animals get older, however, the typical monochromatic coat color with a silver shimmer prevails.

Russian Blue cats are calm, sensitive beauties with beguiling green eyes “>Patterns do not occur in the Russian Blue. This means, for example, that spots, brindle or tabby coat markings are considered faults in this breed. Only the tail of the Russian Blue is an exception: Annular patterns on the cat’s tail are not uncommon. “>The eyes of the Russian Blue pedigree cat round off its special appearance. They are emerald green Immediately after birth, the eye color is blue at first, so this gradually develops.

Profile of the Russian Blue

Name of the breed and other designations: Russian Blue, Russian Blue Cat, Russian Blue Origin: Russia Size: Small to medium-sized; Shoulder height up to 27 cm (cats) and 40 cm (cat); Weight between 3 (cats) to 6 kg (tomcats) Coat: Shorthair Colours: Blue Grey, Gray Pattern: Solid Color Fur; Patterns are considered errors Look : Slim, graceful, dainty, sporty Special features: Is the only cat breed that has top coat and undercoat of the same length Character: Intelligent, sensitive, playful , quiet “>As a reserved and independent silverpaw towards strangers, the Russian Blue easily enjoys her time alone, during which she devotes herself to her toys, for example. At the same time she is a cuddly, friendly and affectionate cat who likes to be close to her human and can form a close bond.

In addition, the cute cat breed is known for its clever head: The Russian Blue is intelligent and learns quickly.While as a young animal it is extremely lively and develops later they often show a confident, considered demeanor.Sometimes Russian Blues can come across as a bit distant, sensitive and cautious.This specific trait is coming right now when strangers come to the surface. But once the little cat has gotten used to someone, it’s easy for him to relax. Russian Blues are known to be good at keeping themselves busy – but they are not loners and appreciate socializing with other cats! “>The Russian Blue enjoys games and training with the person they trust, likes to observe their surroundings, opens one or the other food supply here and there independently and therefore needs occupation.In addition to a secure balcony space to relax and play, climbing facilities in the apartment help.

Don’t worry: While she loves and uses cupboards, tables and other objects to keep an eye on everything, the small, elegant cat is comparative careful when dealing with fragile objects – and because of her calm nature, at least as she gets older, things are more leisurely.Also if she likes to be independent and moderately active as an indoor cat, the intelligent nature definitely wants to be encouraged.Despite her talent for being able to occupy herself alone, the Russian Blue Companions and playmates . Single households or people who are often out and about should therefore think about keeping a second cat.Other cat breeds are opposed to the Russian Usually calm and friendly on blue. However, it should be borne in mind that she needs time to get used to new situations and also to people, such as children.

Grooming consists best of a weekly routine of brushing the small, slender velvet paw with the short hair. The Russian Blue can enjoy being stroked and contemplative moments with her human. “>Tip: The Russian Blue is one of those cats that likes fixed habits and routines and is often meticulous about keeping things tidy. The litter box should therefore be clean and fixed meal times and other routines in everyday life can help.

“>Due to the low tendency to hereditary diseases, the Russian Blue belongs to the particularly healthy pedigree cats It means the cute kitties are in good health overall.

In terms of life expectancy, the Russian Blue is far ahead because of its stable health: Basically, the cat can 12 until 25 years old.

Nevertheless, in the past there were inbreeding problems, especially with the Russian Blue, which sometimes promote diseases. The background is also the small gene pool of the elegant cat. Because the Russian Blue comes in three breeding branches: American, English and Siberian-Scandinavian.

“>Your future Russian Blue, like all other cats, has a natural diet of meat and offal Dry food and food with many additives is not suitable for cats. You should also know that Russian Blues like to eat and eat often. Being overweight can become a problem.A healthy diet plays a part in ensuring that the cat continues to enjoy good health and has a long life important role should therefore always be on the menu of your Russian Blue. Do you want your cat to stay healthy for a long time?

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Species-appropriate cat food from ANIfit – 123% Meat in Swedish food quality , without harmful additives. Try the feed change package now! Exclusive 11% discount voucher for new customers: 10cat stuff Code Copied! “>The Russian Blue supposedly already enjoyed great popularity at the court of the Tsars. Because the blue-grey furry nose originally comes from northern Russia (port city of Arkhangelsk). As a independent cat breed the Russian Blue, which was created as a natural breed, is only valid since the year 1945.But the popular breed didn’t have it easy: after 1945, i.e. after the end of the Second World War, the Russian Blue is said to have been a rarity, so the popular cat breed would be almost extinct Only crossing with other cat breeds, for example especially with the British Shorthair, could survive ensure history.Following three breeding forms were finally able to develop, which are often crossed in Europe today and such a mixed type result:

The American breeding form: Compared to the other breeding types, this type is much more open-minded and therefore not quite so reserved. A lighter coat color is also characteristic. The Siberian-Scandinavian breeding form: The nature of the cats of this type is considered to be particularly reserved. The fur color is optically darker than that of the other types. The English breeding form: In the golden middle is the English Russian Blue. She is not overly lively, but not overly shy either. In addition to the stronger physique, she has a beautiful coat of fur in medium blue. “>The Russian Blue is a remarkable cat with cute traits and some exciting quirks you should know about: A smile to fall in love with: The sweet Russian Blues look as if they were smiling permanently because of the shape of their mouths wear it on your face. That makes the velvet paws likeable at first sight.Risk of confusion: The Chartreux cat is not a Russian Blue, however the breeds are sometimes confused, because they have optically similar characteristics.Russian Blue as a lucky charm: Russian Blue cats have always been said, especially in their country of origin, to have a special gift as a “lucky charm”. to have. According to legend, in Russia they served a kind of protective function for newborns at the tsar’s court when they were placed near babies. Whether that’s true is uncertain. Low allergens: The Russian Blue is considered a cat breed that is well suited for allergy sufferers. It produces only small amounts of the allergen Fel d 1. Russian Blue kittens from a reputable breeder come at a price Buy a Russian Blue Cat “>If you want to call a Russian Blue your own soon, you should always contact a reputable breeder Basically, it is advisable that you extend your search to include animal welfare, because there are many cats that are looking forward to a new home would.If you want to buy a Russian Blue from a reputable breeder, the Prices at about 372 until about . 1.000 Euro, so it is quite a very expensive breed of cat.Before buying, note that that cats are sometimes offered at dubious prices if hereditary diseases and breeding conditions are unclear. So always make sure you know the origin of the Russian Blue and all the history and health information. “>The Russian Blue is an intelligent, calm and at the same time playful fur friend. Especially single households without children can keep the house cat well because it can keep itself busy for a while. The Russian Blue should not be alone for too long: another cat bends over If the Russian Blue comes into a family with children, the cat needs some time to get used to her human friends. Enter your headline here

Why is the Russian Blue not a beginner cat? “>Because of its comparatively sensitive and sometimes reserved nature, the Russian Blue is not a beginner’s cat. It needs a certain amount of time to get used to its environment and confidant.

0999071 Are Russian Blue cats outdoors? “>She can be both: an indoor cat and an outdoor cat. Since the animal is strongly related to her confidant after it has settled in, the Russian Blue will mainly stay where her human is; and therefore mostly in the apartment.

Image sources:

Featured image (top): Irina Borodovskaya / 2nd from top: Jilin Su / 3rd from top: Nailia Schwarz / 4th from top: Pierre Aden

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