Cat feces – this can tell you about the health of the cat

“>The easier it is to digest the ingredients, the lower the amount of faeces excreted. It is optimal if the velvet paw has one or two bowel movements a day. “>Germs and parasites are often transmitted to healthy animals or even humans via the faeces of an infected cat. It is therefore important to observe some special hygiene rules when the velvet paw is sick.

“>If the cat is healthy and fed a high-quality, easily digestible food, the feces should appear dark brown in color, oblong and regular in shape, relatively firm with a smooth, shiny surface. On the other hand, if there is a Problem with the cat’s health condition, it may affect the excrement:

Brown: The natural color of a healthy cat’s feces is brown, depending on the food it may be more of a light brown or a dark brown.

Yellow / Gray to Greenish: Indication of disorders of the liver, gallbladder or pancreas.

Red: Indication of fresh blood in the stool originating from the posterior digestive tract.

5732104 Light gray to white: May appear from feeding on bones.

5732104 Black: Indicative of blood from the front part of the gastrointestinal tract, the red blood pigment has penetrated Digestive enzymes already broken down (so-called tarry stool).

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