Cat-Friendly Plants: These houseplants are non-toxic to cats

Indoor plants – beneficial for humans and cats

Indoor plants not only look pretty, you get a piece of nature in your own four walls. Greening in the apartment has a balancing effect, reduces stress and creates well-being – not only for you, but also for your cat.

In addition, plants can filter the air, cleanse it of pollutants and improve the indoor climate , which is good for both two-legged and four-legged residents. With the right, harmless houseplants, you and your furry friend don’t have to do without the green oasis at home.

But beware: not every houseplant is suitable for cats!

Cat-friendly plants: Why should you pay attention to them?

The reason is quickly explained: their play instinct and their curiosity make our cats so lovable, but they can also be their downfall. The kitties nibble a lot out of boredom and don’t stop at plants.

The problem: Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, cats are not protected by their instinct . The four-legged friends cannot recognize by themselves which plants are poisonous for cats.

It is also part of the natural behavior of cats to eat plants. Suitable plants such as cat grass are healthy for velvet paws and help with digestion and moulting. For example, cats eat cat grass when they have a stomach ache or want to vomit when they have swallowed too much hair.

In the cat household, the cat should only find non-toxic plants for cats.

Poisonous plants are not the only danger for cats in the household:

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Unsuitable and poisonous house plants : This is why they are dangerous for cats

Poisonous and indigestible plants pose a great danger to the animals within reach of cats, dogs or other pets. In the case of highly toxic plants such as bow hemp or the yucca palm, the consumption of even small amounts can cause serious, life-threatening Cause poisoning . And even plants that are only slightly poisonous or unpalatable may cause discomfort when the cat chews on them.

Sharp-edged leaves and thorns are also a risk for curious cats. Some furry friends like to nibble roots and dig in the potting soil. Artificial fertilizer is therefore taboo in households with cats, and there is also a risk of poisoning from all pesticides.

The same applies to non-toxic plants: too much of a good thing can upset your cat’s stomach. So keep an eye on your kitty , even if she is busy with harmless indoor plants.

Is my cat at increased risk from indoor plants?

Some cats just like to nibble on plants – so only non-toxic houseplants should be chosen How tolerable a plant is for a cat depends on the animal and its individual condition. The following factors play a role in how sensitive cats are to toxins:

Weight and Height of the cat Pre-existing conditions – for cats with pre-existing conditions, toxins are even more harmful Age of the animal Dose – the more plant parts the cat has eaten, the higher the risk of poisoning Character and attitude also have an impact on whether your cat is at higher risk from poisonous plants, as in these cases:

)The cat is often alone or single cat ) Bored apartment cats nibbling on plants looking for something to do This is a very curious cat The cat has a tendency to nibbling “>The more of these factors apply to your cat, the more carefully you should choose the houseplants for your household. Luckily, the extensive list of non-toxic houseplants will help you , non-toxic indoor plants

With our selection of cat plants, cat owners can beautify their home in a cat-friendly way, because these plants are considered harmless to cats, dogs and other pets.

We have classified non-toxic indoor plants for cats into three different categories.

Green plants for cats: Bring the garden into your home

A better one s Indoor climate for people and pets, green plants make every room much more inviting. Cat owners can fall back on these plants without hesitation:

Cyprus grass (Cy perus zumula)

Commercially available as cat grass (among many other sweet grasses) Suitable as a dietary supplement for house cats Easy-care and decorative

Plant genus with different representatives, all harmless for cats Attractive plant with large, varied patterned leaves Best location in semi-shade with high humidity

Also thrives in areas with less lightImproves air quality However, cats should not eat large amounts of the leaves (very unlikely) as this would lead to digestive problems

Kentia palm (Howea forsteriana)

Elegant popular houseplantCan grow up to 3 meters tall Easy to care for plant, also suitable for beginners

Money Tree (Crassula ovata)

Can stand outside as a container plant in summer Uncomplicated to care for Develops into a small tree

Room fir (Arau caria heterophylla)

Totally non-toxic to cats and humansNeeds some care, not necessarily suitable for beginnersNot hardy ) Beautiful indoor palm treeLike it more shady Apart from watering and fertilizing from time to time, not much care is required

Non-Toxic Indoor Plants for Cats: Flowering Plants Add Color to Your Home

Slipper flower (Calceolaria)

Decorative flowering ornamental plant with numerous speciesPrefers semi-shady locations, also thrives on the balcony in summer Can be overwintered depending on the species

Room hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

Delighted with colourful, large flowers Feels particularly well on a sunny, warm place like the window sill Should be watered and fertilized regularly

Bromeliads (e.g. Guzmania)

Spread exotic flair with colorful flowers Guzmania is particularly popular and easy to care for Prefers a bright location with high humidity

Grows into a small shrub with good careCan bear flowers for several months The indoor plant can also be on the balcony in summer

Decorative, wavy flowers in many colors Blooming ornamental plant for one seasonLikes it warm and bright but no direct sunlight

Herbs : Cats love herb gardens

A herb garden isn’t just great for cats, you can always harvest fresh herbs for cooking here too. Most herbs make wonderful balcony plants, perfect for the green cat balcony!

Frugal and persistent Light-loving plant, do not water too muchFresh, lemony scent, suitable for teas

Sun hungry, ideally in summer on the balcony Should only be watered moderately Aromatic culinary herbs for Mediterranean dishes

Likes it bright, but no direct sunlightNeeds some spaceGoes well with fish dishes

medicinal plant with aromatic scenthas antimicrobial properties Likes lots of sunlight and moderate watering Prefers a sunny location Perfect for the pizzaNeeds a slightly larger pot


Cats and indoor plants are not a contradiction in terms if you pay attention to the right choice of plants for the apartment. There are many non-toxic plants for cats that you and your kitty can use to enjoy fresh greenery in your own four walls.

FAQ – Frequently asked questions on the topic

2818185 1729344 How do I keep my cat away from houseplants? The best solution is to place indoor plants out of the reach of cats. Cats can no longer reach plants in hanging baskets. Home remedies such as vinegar or lemon juice are usually not very reliable.

1729344 Why do cats nibble on plants? The house cats are guided by their curiosity and nibble on plants when they are bored. Cats are often right with their instincts, but it can happen that they accidentally nibble on a poisonous plant.

2818185 9642492 How do I recognize poisoning in my cat? Common symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, convulsions or tremors, foaming at the mouth, dilated or constricted pupils and paralysis. If your pet is suspected of being poisoned, immediate action is required – the cat must be treated by a vet as soon as possible!

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Featured image (top): Foto2rich / Shutterstock.com2. VH-studio / Shutterstock.com3. mapman / Shutterstock.com4. Rasmus Kopperud Riis / Shutterstock.com5. dropStock / Shutterstock.com6. Buntovskikh Olga / Shutterstock.com7. Maren Winter / Shutterstock.com8. fanny harryanto / Shutterstock.com9. Marina Meshcherskaia / Shutterstock.com10. ibrahim kavus / Shutterstock.com06. topimages / Shutterstock.com07. Meteoritka / Shutterstock.com12. Captain Yuki / Shutterstock.com06. yevgeniy / . Olga Miltsova / Shutterstock.com12. Lifesummerlin / Shutterstock.com16. PowerPrint / Shutterstock.com15. New Africa / Shutterstock.com16. sanddebeautheil /

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