Dog prayer position: Does my dog ​​have a stomach ache?

The prayer position is an important part of canine communication and it is not always easy to interpret what message your four-legged friend wants to send with this gesture. Because: Assuming the prayer position can mean a lot, from a playful request to simple stretching to severe stomach pain, stomach rumbling or flatulence. We will help you to draw the right conclusion so that you can interpret your dog’s prayer position as 1A from now on.

How to recognize the prayer position

At In the prayer position, the dog stretches far forward and the torso almost touches the ground. The front paws are stretched out and also lie on the ground. Unlike the low rump, the hind legs are wide and stretched steeply upwards. The hind legs are fully stretched out. As a result of the position, the lower abdomen of the fur nose is stretched enormously. Exactly this position is taken particularly frequently (but not exclusively) in the case of stomach ache.

Stomach pain, hard stomach, tremors: when is the prayer position a pain symptom

The prayer position is not always a sign of pain or illness, but sometimes yes. In order to recognize these cases quickly, we will tell you symptoms that should make you sit up and take notice.

Your dog has problems passing faeces and/or stretches in front of it particularly often or after. After defecation, your dog’s bottom slides across the floor. Your dog has severe flatulence, a bloated stomach and/or repeated diarrhea. The furry wet one has loud stomach rumblings again and again and maybe even yelps with stomachache. The four-legged friend vomits more often. Your furry friend has an elevated temperature or even a fever. Your dog keeps panting and may have foam at the mouth. Your dog suddenly has bad breath. The four-legged friend always assumes the prayer position, even while walking the dog. After the prayer position there is a cat’s hump. The dog rounds its back. Your dog is very restless for a long period of time – for no apparent reason. Your dog is shaking, although excitement or freezing are out of the question. Your dog is not eating or only a little. Even the favorite treat is refused. Dog with Stomach pain: What are the dangers behind the prayer position? If a dog repeatedly assumes the prayer position, a serious illness can be behind it. In this case, we advise you to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. He will have a diagnosis ready and with the appropriate medication your four-legged friend will be back on his feet quickly. But what diseases can be behind it? Here is an overview:

Stomach torsion: If there is more behind abdominal pain The stomach of your four-legged friend turns around its own axis and that is really, really dangerous. Because both the entrance to the stomach, i.e. the esophagus, and the end, i.e. the small intestine, are completely blocked. Gas therefore accumulates in the stomach and cannot escape. In addition to the prayer position, a hard stomach is an important sign.

If your dog doesn’t eat, it may be due to an intestinal obstruction There are many reasons for a bowel obstruction, such as a swallowed foreign object, untreated constipation or a parasite infestation. With the prayer position, your dog shows that he is in pain, which quickly arises from the pent-up gases. Time is the most important factor here: If your dog also has a fever or keeps vomiting, it is best to go to the vet immediately.

Prayer standing by poisoning If your dog suddenly assumes the prayer position very often – and in the most unusual situations, there is an acute cause behind it, such as poisoning. If there is a risk that your dog has eaten something poisonous, charcoal tablets ensure that the poison is bound and you buy yourself time until you get to the vet.

Intestinal colic: Severe abdominal pain and flatulence Intestinal colic is characterized by severe flatulence and cramps and can be caused, for example, by food intolerance. Attention, fart alarm: masters and mistresses usually recognize you by recurring, bad-smelling flatulence. In the short term, intestinal colic is not necessarily dangerous. However, if they persist, they should be examined and treated.

Herniated disc: Rare and yet a possible cause 1621509485 Pain can also radiate in dogs, just like in us bipeds. A herniated disc is more likely to occur in senior dogs or dogs with long backs, such as dachshunds. It can cause pain so severe that it radiates into the abdomen. Again, the prayer position is a possible indicator.

Inflammation of the pancreas as a cause of stomach pain Diagnosing inflammation of the pancreas in a dog is not that easy, since the symptoms often also affect others diseases can speak. In addition to taking the prayer position, this also includes fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea or a lack of appetite. A definitive diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian.

Prayer position for the dog: then it is harmless

There are dog owners who panic as soon as the dog assumes the prayer position for the first time. There are a few situations where this is completely normal. It is therefore always important to consider the context and remain calm. This way you can interpret your dog’s communication much better than if you make him nervous with your excitement.

Dogs also assume the prayer position when they have been lying down for a long time, for example in the morning after getting up. Our fur nose stretches quite simply – just like we two-legged friends do in bed by stretching our arms and legs in the morning. For some dogs, this procedure is repeated several times in the morning. This is completely normal dog yoga.

Another situation in which the prayer position is taken is when asked to play with other dogs. When asked by another dog, this ritual is also carried out more frequently, along the lines of “Come on, play with me!”

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