The cat has the hiccups: you should know that

“>Just like us humans, cats can hiccup, which is harmless in most cases. In this guide, you’ll learn why cats hiccup and when you should see a vet if your pet is hiccupping. Why do cats hiccup?

“>Hiccups are caused by irritation of the diaphragm.As a result, the diaphragm repeatedly contracts forcefully while at the same time the vocal folds contract and the glottis closes, creating the sound typical of hiccups during inhalation, the flow of air is increased during the “hiccup ” interrupted.Diaphragmatic irritation in cats and other animals can various causes . Most of these are harmless, but they can also be caused by an underlying medical condition. Possible triggers for hiccups in cats of any age include:

Hastily eating, swallowing air Recording a very large amount of feed Ingestion of very cold feed Intake of unsuitable feed, for example spicy or carbonated food Insufficient fluid intake Accumulation of hair in the stomach Vomiting Reflux Disease Heart Disease Lung Disease Increase in circumference near the diaphragm, for example tumor or abscess Nerve irritation or Injury to the diaphragmatic nerve (Nervus phrenicus) What helps when cats hiccup?

“>As a rule, a cat’s hiccups go away on their own within a few hours .

Unlike us humans, a temporary hiccup doesn’t really bother a cat. Therefore, you can basically wait and see.If your cat has frequent hiccups, will help depending on Cause various measures. Prevent snaring and “overeating” “>If your cat raves greedily at every meal, you should divide its daily ration into as many small portions of food.

This also corresponds more closely to their natural diet, because in the wild the velvet paws kill and eat many small prey animals per day, so they eat several times a day, take but only a small amount of food at a time.Meanwhile there is an abundance of Automatic feeders in stores, which release the desired amount of food for your cat at freely selectable time intervals. For wet food, which we recommend, there are models with Cooling function available.In this way, the frequent Realize feedings for working owners and at night Investing in an automatic feeder can therefore be worthwhile!Good Ways to prevent loops when eating and thus swallowing too much air are the eelevated setting up of the feeding bowl and the positioning of a larger object anyway in the bowl (stone, ball or similar). As a result, the cat has to stretch to reach the food or eat around the object in the bowl. Both slow down feed intake. Eating too hastily or cold food are common reasons for cat hiccups “> Many animals react sensitively to food that comes directly from the refrigerator or in extreme cases is half frozen In that case it is worth trying to warm it up in the microwave. A positive side effect: When heated, aromas are released that make the food particularly tasty. If you can’t use a microwave or should take the food out of the fridge some time before feeding and let it warm up.

No leftovers and Co.

“>Hot, salty, or seasoned foods have no place in a cat’s stomach. If your velvet paw occasionally helps itself to the table, sink, or trash can, be careful Be sure to stop this.All food for human consumption must be kept out of reach, leftovers are immediately “cat proof ” to dispose of!It’s a bit more difficult for outdoor cats who have unwanted “food sources” outside you may try to offer your cat a good amount of food immediately before going outside so that it goes outside full.This reduces the incentive to eat unsuitable food. Increase fluid intake “>Swallowing dry food can irritate the diaphragm and cause cat hiccups; especially if the cat eats quickly and drinks little water overall. A increased fluid intake also benefits the urinary tract.To increase fluid intake, you should definitely feed wet food It is a good idea to have several water sources around the house, especially in your cat’s favorite spots.

Some cats particularly like to drink from indoor fountains.The specialist trade now offers special drinking fountains for Cats on. Support hair elimination Even swallowing hair and vomiting it can cause hiccups in cats “>Cats are very clean animals that clean themselves intensively several times a day. The disadvantage of this: When cleaning a lot of hair is licked off , especially during the change of coat and in long-haired breeds.If the hair is not excreted naturally, it is stored in the stomach as so-called Trichobezoars together.These are normally vomited up by the animals.If this is not possible or only possible with difficulty, the diaphragm can be irritated by repeated futile retching This can cause cats to hiccup.

To help your cat get rid of her hair, you should regularly brush thoroughly. In the case of short-haired cats, this is usually only necessary during the change of coat, while long-haired cats depend on daily grooming.

Alternative to the brush there are special gloves with which you can easily remove loose hair while stroking.

Indoor cats should have access to cat grass as eating grass will induce vomiting of hair relieved. Outdoor cats usually help themselves from nature.One way to facilitate the elimination of hair that has already been swallowed is Malt pastes and comparable preparations from the veterinarian or from the pet trade.

“>Vomiting is associated with severe nerve irritation in the diaphragm and can consequently trigger hiccups. This is not a problem if it occurs only occasionally.

Frequent vomiting on the other hand is harmful to health in several ways for your cat. The above possible causes of cat hiccups can also trigger vomiting, in which case you can remedy this relatively easily.Frequent vomiting over a longer period of time can also indicate a chronic disease, for example a parasite infestation , inflammation of the stomach lining, liver damage or kidney failure. Be sure to consult your veterinarian to determine the cause. “>Why cats have hiccups has not yet been scientifically clarified. The same applies to other animals. It is probably a protective reaction of the body, designed to prevent fluid from entering the airways through the glottis.

Patient Hiccups in Cats “>If your cat’s hiccups are the symptom of an illness, it needs to be diagnosed and treated.

When are hiccups due to illness in cats? “>If you have the occasional hiccup, don’t worry. However, you should take your cat to a veterinarian if:

Your cat has been showing frequent hiccups lately, although nothing has changed in terms of husbandry and nutrition has changed. The cat keeps hiccupping, although none of the above mentioned harmless causes (more) are present. The cat shows parallel to the hiccup symptoms Signs of a chronic illness, such as increased vomiting, difficulty eating, decreased appetite, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, decreased activity, withdrawal behavior, weight loss, poor coat quality, or similar.

What tests does the vet carry out? If the hiccups occur frequently, a veterinarian will conduct a general examination and ask about diet, housing and when the hiccups occurred. “>How hiccups in cats are diagnosed depends on several factors. The vet will ask you when you first got the hiccups Observed how often it has occurred since then and whether you can assign it to certain situations (e.g. meals).

Furthermore, the veterinarian will ask questions about your cat’s husbandry and diet and want to know if anything has changed recently .If there is an illness in the room, it is of particularly great importance whether you have observed other potential symptoms of illness During the appointment nothing is forgotten, it can be helpful to make some notes in advance.After collecting the Anamnesis (medical history) follows a detailed general examination. The veterinarian then decides which further examinations are displayed.Blood, ultrasound and X-ray diagnostics are possible, for example . Depending on the clinical picture, a faecal or urine examination, an endoscopy, a computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can also be considered. How are hiccups caused by illness in cats treated? “>The therapy for hiccups is based entirely on the cause. A symptomatic treatment is not possible and also makes little sense as long as the root cause has not been eliminated Since there are many diseases that can be the cause of hiccups in cats, no general ones are given here Therapy recommendations possible. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about hiccups in cats

Is it bad if cats hiccup? “>Transient hiccups are usually harmless and nothing to worry about. If your cat hiccups frequently or the symptoms are increasing, the The cause must be clarified, because it could be a sign of a possible illness.

What does it mean, when cats hiccup? “>Hiccups are caused by irritation of the diaphragm. Hiccups in cats can have a variety of causes and reasons, for example eating food too quickly or hairballs in the stomach, but also health problems such as reflux disease, frequent vomiting, heart or lung diseases.

How do cats hiccup sound? “>Hiccups in cats sound similar to hiccups in humans. The typical twitching movement of the head and chest is also very similar. The typical So you will be able to easily recognize “hiccups” in your cat as well.

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Hello! My name is Dominik Hollenbach, I’m the founder of Katzenkram.I’ve been living with cats since I was a child, I’ve been busy I have always been intensively involved with these fascinating creatures.The topic of healthy nutrition for cats is particularly close to my heart. There is just way too much bad and unhealthy cat food on the market.That’s why I’m testing PonPon with my five cats, Bella, Tequila, Azrael and Lori many different flavors and rate them by ingredients, declaration, analytical components, acceptability and tolerability.

As a nutritionist for cats, I know exactly what is important when it comes to good cat food. Our cat food test should help everyone to find the best cat food quickly and easily!

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