Turkish Angora: Cost, Care and Keeping

Appearance of Turkish Angora

“>The Turkish Angora is known as unicolor white pedigree cat , but today also in other colors available. In addition to its almond-shaped eyes, which point diagonally towards the ears, the beautiful cat has large ears, a slightly rounded chin and a nose without a break. The tail of the Turkish Angora cat is bushy.

Your silhouette looks special: The Turkish Angora is long and muscular, but has an overall lithe appearance with fine features, a silky coat, and long legs.Her hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs.

“>The classic Turkish Angora has a white fur color and is therefore one of the visually particularly noble-looking cats. In breeding today, other colors are permitted and common. The fur of the Turkish Angora can be, for example, the colors cream, blue, red and also Have black.Not allowed in the Turkish Angora are Lilac and Fawn Cinnamon as well as Chocolate and Cinnamon.

“>Whether one color, three colors or even mackerel: The Turkish Angora comes in different coat patterns. Points, on the other hand, are usually undesirable.By the way: In addition to the today rather unusual coat markings, the Turkish Angora is known above all for the length of its hair. is.

The Turkish Angora is also a real beauty in black “>The eyes of the Turkish Angora can be blue or green. Amber eyes also come often occurs. A special feature is the phenomenon “odd-eyed”. This means that the fluffy four-legged friends sometimes have two different eye colors This peculiarity can be observed in white cats.

Profile of the Turkish Angora

Name of the breed and other designations: Turkish Angora, Angora cat , Ankara kedisi (Turkish) Origin: Turkey, Angora (today Ankara) Size: Medium-sized; up to 25 cm shoulder height; Length up to 33 cm; Weight: Females 2.5 to 4 kg, males 3 to 5 kg Coat: Semi-Longhair Colours: White as original colour; Today various coat colors are possible, e.g. B. Cream, Red, Blue Pattern: One color and various patterns possible, e.g. B. Tabby Patterns, Tortoiseshell, Tricolor Appearance: Elegant, supple, elongated, muscular Particularities : Some white Angoras can have two different eye colors (“odd-eyed”) Character: Playful, cuddly, active, curious “>Turkish Angora have a lively and alert character . The beauty with the soft fur loves to be close to her human and therefore follows him at every turn, which makes her a relatively affectionate cat breed If the semi-longhair cat doesn’t sense the interest of her confidant, she will persistently try to get attention.

The lively House tiger with the curious being is also intelligent, which is why Turkish Angora are busy on a mental level Boredom spreads without challenges.In addition, the nature and character of the Angora are characterized by their loving, uncomplicated and sociable nature a family cat and also makes friends with children.

“>An apartment with climbing opportunities is a must for the cat with the pronounced urge to be active, because Turkish Angora are strong in jumping.The cute oriental also appreciates exploring new objects, which is why a small selection of toys should not be missing either.

Because the Turkish Angora does not want to be alone and is considered to be extremely sociable, the socialization with other cats and also dogs often not as complicated as with other breeds. In general, the furry nose needs other people or conspecifics around it, which is why it should not be kept alone.

Despite the longer fur coat, the care of the Turkish Angora is not too complex because the fur has no undercoat The cuddly cats enjoy stroking, which can be combined with a weekly brushing of the soft fur to get rid of loose hairs.

Climbing Angora cats like, are very intelligent and real family cats! Health of Turkish Angora

“>Overall, the Turkish Angora enjoys a comparatively good state of health. In principle, they do not tend to be overweight, which does not mean, however, that cat owners should care about the fitness of the cat should not pay attention.The life expectancy of the cat of the breed Angora today is approx. 12 until 14 years Some cats even reach 18 Year of life if they are particularly fit and are allowed to live a life free of diseases.The velvet paw from Turkey is susceptible to Ataxia, a neurological disorder that can occur in young cats. Even in their early years, the four-legged friends then suffer from movement disorders and can also die quickly if the course is severe.

Another abnormality that the Turkish Angora cat is her sometimes occurring hearing loss. A pure white cat can therefore also be deaf. However, it is not a trait that only affects white Angora cats, but cats with white fur in general. “>The cute cat from Turkey needs high-quality wet food with a high meat content in order to be able to take good care of its active body. It is better not to use food with additives or dry food, because this can cause long-term damage.Note that high-quality food containing meat not only provides important proteins, but cats are natural carnivores.

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06cat stuff Code Copied! History of Turkish Angora Cats

“>Although the Angora cat almost became extinct because it was crossed with various long-haired cats, However, the originally solid white cat has managed to survive with her breed thanks to breeding programs designed for the cat breed, including in her native Turkey and in the United States.

Today the Angora is one of the older pedigree cats. She hails from Ankara, the Turkish capital, which was formerly known as Angora. To the 17 The noble, cuddly Turkish Angora is said to have found its way into the first European have found regions, which include Great Britain, for example.Also in France, Turkish Angora cats have been sighted more and more frequently, for example with the French nobility.

“>Anyone who is interested in the cute Angora should know their special features. Here are some facts about the cuddly fur nose: The Angora cat has a dog-like behavior: Because the Angora cats ” by foot” and often wants confidants to be near her, dog-like traits are attributed to her in this respect.

Popular with Nobility: Marie-Antoinette is also said to have liked the noble Angora cat breed and to have owned a conspecific at the French court.

Celebrity in New Zealand: A Turkish Angora named Mittens became an icon in Wellington (New Zealand) when she kept appearing in a business district and people took pictures of her. The furry nose is also said to have been popular as a selfie partner and thus gained a social media presence.

Buy a Turkish Angora cat “>Keep an eye out at animal welfare organizations and sanctuaries if you are interested in a Turkish Angora , to maybe find the right cat there, because you can bring these animals to you for a nominal fee and offer them a new home.

If you want to buy an Angora from a reputable breeder, the cost is around 800 to 1.200 Euro.

Before you buy, you should always find out about the origin, health and special features of the respective Angora cat.

“>ConclusionWith this house cat it doesn’t get boring so quickly: Angora cats like to be with people and animals. They love to climb and jump, follow you with every activity and also require your physical closeness.Cat owners should provide their velvet paws with good climbing opportunities and toys.

If you are looking for a second cat, for example , brings an uncomplicated, friendly creature into your own four walls with the four-legged friend.Turkish Angora rarely want to be alone, which is why individual animals also appreciate the company of another cat.

How much do Angora cats shed? “>Because the Turkish Angora has no undercoat, the house tiger sheds comparatively little. Even tangles rarely occur despite the length of the hair. What is Angora’s name today? “>While the Angora is called Turkish Angora in this country, it is also called “Ankara kedisi” in its original homeland, Turkey. Translated, this means “cat from Ankara”.

How long does an Angora cat live? “>On average, Angora cats enjoy a 11- until 14 years of life If they are in good health, the cats can also live up to 018 Growing old. 534313 Image sources: Featured image (top): Natali Kuzina / Shutterstock.com2. from above: Fr29s / Shutterstock.com3. from above: Benny Marty / Shutterstock.com

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