Winter with a dog: You have to pay attention to this

Walks in the snow and cozy evenings in the dog basket – winter can be a very relaxing time for our four-legged friends. Nevertheless, there are a few things to consider when temperatures drop below zero. In the following guide we will tell you how you and your four-legged friend can get through the cold season in a relaxed and, above all, healthy way.

Go for a walk in winter Also in winter, our four-legged friends need exercise. But the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping. You should pay attention to a few things, especially for walks in the dark and hikes in the snow.

Can my dog ​​freeze?

Cuddle sweater, thermal underwear, winter boots – in winter we wear warmer clothes, of course. But what about our four-legged friends? Although dogs have a thick coat, some dog breeds are more susceptible to the cold. Small dog breeds are particularly sensitive because they cannot regulate their own body temperature so well. So yes, even our four-legged friends freeze when it’s too cold. Small dogs freeze at temperatures above ten degrees, while larger dogs with dense fur only have problems at – 15 degrees.

Winter coat for dogs – fashionable frills or useful?

When asked about winter clothing for their four-legged friend, some dog owners like to smile. But in cold temperatures it makes sense for some dog breeds to wear a sweater or winter coat outside. This has nothing to do with fashion awareness, but protects your four-legged friend from the cold.

Warm clothing is great in winter, especially for older dogs or furry friends with a weakened immune system. The same applies to short-haired dogs and puppies – without an undercoat, it quickly gets fresh during the daily walk and it’s easy to catch a cold. If you decide on winter clothing, pay attention to the material and how your dog can move in it.

The material should be warm and water-repellent, but not restrict your four-legged friend’s movement too much. You don’t need frills like pretty hoods, that’s just annoying for most four-legged friends.

Be careful in the dark The shorter the days, the fewer You have the opportunity to take a walk in daylight. In winter, despite “brrww” and darkness, it’s time to get out the door! Pay attention to your safety. Use a collar with LEDs or attach reflectors to the dog’s coat. You should also wear reflectors so that you can be seen clearly. It is best to leave your dog on a leash in the dark – this way you have more control and can react faster.

Grooming in winter It doesn’t matter whether it’s raining or Snow – our four-legged friends often come home with wet fur in winter. Of course, the fleece doesn’t have to be bathed every time – a round of towel rubbing is enough. And then: Off to the warm basket! Make sure that your four-legged friend doesn’t run around at home soaked and frozen. Even our furry friends can catch cold. A hot-water bottle or a spelled pillow, a warm place by the heater or a cozy blanket should not be missing in winter after the dog walk.

Paw care: be careful with road salt! Road salt helps us on slippery days, but causes cracked and irritated paws on our four-legged friends. And: Licking your paws after a walk often leads to stomach problems due to the salt you eat. Ouch! So that this does not happen, paw care is announced before and after the walk. Rub the paws with some petroleum jelly or olive oil before the walk. This creates a small protective layer and makes it harder for the road salt to settle.

After the dog walk: wash the paws with lukewarm water and dry them well. And then: take care of it! Check out our blog article “Dog licks paws”. You can find more helpful tips here. Of course we also have a super helper against the ouch paws. Our Aua-Balm cares for tired, aching paws as soft as a puppy again. If your fur nose has serious problems with road salt, dog shoes can also be a solution. Paw care is sufficient for most four-legged friends.

Does my dog ​​need more food in winter? In winter, dogs need more energy to keep the to keep body temperature constant. However, most dogs exercise less during the cold period. In most cases, an adjustment is not necessary – quite the opposite. So if Bello, Luna and Co. are more of the cozy type and like to lie in front of the fireplace all day in winter, the winter bacon is not far away. Make sure that your dog still gets enough exercise in winter.

The situation is different for smaller dogs or short-haired dogs without an undercoat. Since they need more energy to maintain body temperature, an increased feed ration can make sense. If you are unsure about the amount of food, it is best to ask your veterinarian.

Can my dog ​​eat snow?

Some dogs get really excited at the sight of the white and start eating the snow. It’s just water, you think? no! Snow itself is not poisonous for your furry friend, but the cold can cause nasty stomach problems. If your darling has a sensitive stomach, diarrhea and vomiting due to snow gastritis are also possible. If the snow is still covered with road salt, the kidneys also suffer. So make sure your dog doesn’t eat snow.

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