British Shorthair – the plush pedigree cats at a glance

“>The British Shorthair is one of the most popular pedigree cats ever. It has been used for over 100 bred as a domestic cat for years and stands out due to its gentle character and cute appearance.Here you will find all information about the British Shorthair breed and find out what you should pay particular attention to when keeping, caring for and keeping your velvet paws healthy.

Appearance: This is how you recognize the gentle house tiger

“>British Shorthair cats are popular pets that have a friendly personality and cute appearance. The medium-sized velvet paws grow to about four to eight kilograms and have a strong, muscular physique with short legs.

The head of a BKH is rounded, as are the big eyes, the nose and the paws.The round shapes and also the plush coat with a lot of undercoat have their part contributes to the fact that the breed is perceived by people as particularly lovable.

“>British Shorthair cats come in a wide variety of colors. Today there are over 53 Color variations known to the BKH , whereby these are divided into full colors, bicolor and point.

The coat colors white, black, blue, chocolate, purple belong to the full colors , cinnamon, fawn, red and cream. In the case of the bicolor and point variants, these colors are usually combined with white or silver.

“>Some BKH have pretty patterns such as point and bicolor, but the classic, spotted and mackerel tabby variants are also common. The colors blue and silver tabby are particularly popular with BKH fans. The blue appears at first glance like a dark gray and only has a beautiful blue cast in the right light.

“>The characteristic eye color of the British Shorthair depends on the basic color of the coat. Orange or copper-colored eyes are common, in rare cases green or blue tones can also occur.

A common feature of British Shorthairs are the so-called “Odd Eyes”, which means different colored eyes, which are always a special eye-catcher.

Characteristics of the British Shorthair

Name of breed and other designations: British Shorthair, BHK, British Shorthair (English) Size: Medium to Large, fully grown after two years Fur: Plush short hair, dense, with lots of undercoat Colors: Different coat colors (often blue-grey), eye color orange or copper Pattern: Uniform, tabby, bicolor or spotted Look : Muscular and powerful build, short stocky Legs, round paws and round face Particularities: “doll face” with large and round eyes, tends to be overweight Character: calm, cuddly, gentle, affectionate “>The British Shorthair cat is considered a thoroughly friendly and calm breed. She is even-tempered, gentle and uncomplicated.

The relaxed character does not mean, however, that the velvet paws are uninterested in people. Quite the opposite – the house cats love their owners and often seek closeness to cuddle extensively, even if they may seem a little reserved towards visitors at first , they usually get used to the new situation quickly and easily.

Another special feature of the BKH: the cats are in contrast to many of their conspecifics not afraid of water It should therefore be ensured that full bathtubs or aquariums are always inaccessible – otherwise the cool water can quickly become dangerous n become a trap for the velvet paw.

Attitude and care: You need to know that

“>The British Shorthair is a very adaptable breed, which is why it is just as suitable as an indoor cat as it is as an outdoor cat. It is also considered to be a very easygoing pet who will only call in his cuddles from time to time.

Despite their uncomplicated nature, the BKH likes the company of other cats, which is why we recommend that if you are a purely indoor cat, for a to care for playmates . Especially if you have to leave your cat alone for a long time during the day, the cat can otherwise become very lonely and unhappy.

Opposite The British Shorthair is patient and open-minded to children and other pets after a period of settling in. The easy-going character is ideal for families with children , and also a dog in the house halt is usually not a problem. In addition, the BKH breed is well suited for beginners due to its easy-care nature and is also quickly taken to the heart by people who have a certain respect for pets.

The velvet paws are also largely uncomplicated when it comes to grooming: the short fur of the BKH is very dense, but it does not require any extensive care. A regular brushing – especially during the change of coat – is enough to keep the velvet paw healthy and shiny. In this way you can also reduce the number of cat hairs in your home and reduce the risk of hairballs in the cat’s stomach.

Unfortunately, the cute ones tend to Because of their relaxed nature, cats are often overweight, which is why exercise should never be neglected. A varied environment with lots of opportunities to scratch, play and hide and seek is therefore recommended.

“>Tip: By using the height of your apartment and creating some climbing opportunities, you can encourage your beloved house cat to move.

“>Since the British Shorthair is a pedigree cat, illnesses occur with it particularly frequently. This is due to its artificially reduced size Gene pool and their special Body shape reasoned.

The strong physique of the BKH puts a strain on the bones and joints of the house cat and can in some cases lead to joint diseases There is also a predisposition to Heart diseases such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and Blood disorders such as hemophilia B.

Also hereditary kidney cysts (PKD) are not uncommon in British Shorthair cats. The symptoms of this disease only appear after many years, which is why the cysts often go unnoticed for a long time. Since this is a hereditary disease, examinations in advance can provide information about the relevant predispositions.

With the exception of these hereditary predispositions, the British Shorthair to the more robust cat breeds with good and species-appropriate husbandry between 12 and 16 years can get old. It is therefore important to pay particular attention to the health and nutrition of the velvet paw and to consult the veterinarian immediately if you suspect an illness.

Diet of the British Shorthair

“>The tendency to be overweight and also the predisposition to heart disease require a species-appropriate diet of your BKH The right food for your British Shorthair is crucial to maintaining a healthy heart and helping to prevent obesity.

You should therefore do your British Shorthair a favor and feed it only the best cat food. We strongly recommend that you high-quality wet food with a high meat content that does not contain any additives or cereals. Dry food or wet food with unhealthy additives can damage the health of your velvet paw.

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“>Tip: British Shorthair cats tend to chomp down their food without chewing, so you should be careful not to feed large portions at once and to balance food throughout the day.

“>The British Shorthair is considered one of the oldest British cat breeds. It is assumed that they were over 1950 years ago by the Romans was brought to the UK and was isolated on the island for a long time.

For about now) years, the BKH specifically bred. Crossbreeding with other breeds took place again and again in order to prevent the breed from becoming extinct. Above all, Persian cats and Carthusian cats were included in the gene pool, which is why these breeds show some similarities to the British Shorthair.

Only in the 1267 years received the British Shorthair a official recognition as a breed and from then on it became increasingly popular. Today it is one of the most popular cat breeds and is offered by countless breeders worldwide. That is why it is important to ensure that the original robustness and health of the breed is preserved during breeding.

Buy British Shorthair: This is what you need to know

“>Depending on the pedigree and any existing show titles, the price of a kitten of the British Shorthair breed is around 600 until 1024 Euro These costs may seem high at first glance, however, usually speak for a good and trustworthy breeder.

When buying a British Shorthair you should consider a few points to ensure a healthy and lucky cat:

Buy your velvet paw exclusively from a professional Breeder who subjects the animals to regular health checks. The kittens should stay with their mother and siblings at least until the twelfth week, so that they are then ready for a new home. At the time of purchase, the kittens should have been vaccinated and dewormed regularly. “> You can find professional breeders through breed clubs – but you should always check the provider carefully before buying and get an idea of ​​the conditions of animal husbandry for yourself.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about British Shorthair

Are British Shorthair cats suitable for beginners? “>The British Shorthair is an easy-going and gentle cat breed that likes to be loved by people. It has a friendly nature and an easy-going manner, which is why it is also ideal for beginners.

How much does a British shorthair cat cost? “>You can get a British Shorthair from a breeder from about 600 until 1000 Under no circumstances should you pay less for a BKH kitten, otherwise the quality and professionalism of the breeder will be questionable.

You can keep a BKH alone? “>The British Shorthair can be kept as a single cat if it receives a lot of attention and affection from its owners. However, since it likes the presence of other house cats, the BKH is also happy about a playmate.

What do BKH cats not like? “>British Shorthair cats have a very laid-back character, which is why they often dislike extensive exercise. This increases the risk of obesity, so you should regularly encourage your velvet paw to play, climb and explore. “>British Shorthair cats are easy-care, uncomplicated pets that feel at home in any environment. If you are looking for a cuddly and affectionate velvet paw that also gets along well with children and pets, you are in the right place with this breed .

Nevertheless, you should pay attention to the health of your BKH and provide high-quality food and regular exercise.This way you can prevent diseases and the house cat bring a long and happy life.

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