Calming cats: tips & tricks

New Year’s Eve firecrackers, visits to the vet, changes at home, heat – there are many reasons why cats get stressed. But how do you know if your velvet paw is “only” stressed or is actually in heat? And how can you calm down stressed cats? Time for an overview so that you know what could help your cat in the next situation.

If the cat is stressed Cats are very sensitive and are sensitive to their environment. If your kitty is still in heat, she is not relaxed anyway due to the changed hormone balance. Your cat may react stressed to different things. These can also be small things that you don’t initially perceive as a change, such as new food or different cat litter.

This is how you recognize heat and stress in cats

Various signals indicate that your cat is in heat. These behaviors speak for the reproductive readiness of your house tiger:

loud and frequent meowing Restlessness Constant “wanting to go outside” rolling around on the floor cat pee in the apartment – ​​not only in the litter box general changes in behavior Some cats become real cuddly tigers and demand a lot of love and cuddles. Others can hardly be touched and are aggressive. Our velvet paws are usually really stressed when they are in heat. Therefore, the following signs may be added to the above:

Aggressive behavior Loss of appetite Cat doesn’t want to be petted Hide Hiss or Scratch Excessive cleaning to the point of irritation and injuries Diarrhea In heat or stressed? To really calm your cat down, you have to You first find out what triggers the stress. Is Kitty just in heat, is she just stressed or is both the case?

Observe your cat closely: When does the stressed behavior appear, in what context? Your own behavior can also be transferred to your cat. Have you been under a lot of stress or irritable lately? Your four-legged friend will feel it too. If you cannot trace the stress back to a specific cause, a stress diary can help.

Prevent stress So that stress cannot arise in the first place, you should observe some principles for living together with your cat. Your kitty should have a retreat of her own. This is the only way she can really calm down. Many cats like to hide on top of the scratching post and have a view of the whole room. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a basket, a small cave or a place to lie on the scratching post: your cat needs a place where it can relax undisturbed, especially when there are visitors. Your velvet paw’s little place should also be placed in a niche or quiet corner if possible. If the litter box is in the middle of the living room and everyone is running past, stress is inevitable – understandable. If several cats live with you, each cat should have its own drinking and feeding bowl. Divided bowls often lead to aggressive behavior.

Soothing cats – tips and tricks

There are various ways to calm down a stressed cat. You can use this for both heat and stress symptoms. The rule here is: trial and error! Try it out – and see what works.

Keep cool!

The first and most important tip for an aggressive or stressed cat: stay calm yourself. As soon as you get hectic, run around the apartment quickly, or even get loud, you stress your cat even more. So stay relaxed yourself and make sure that you also radiate this calmness.

Keep your distance If your cat hisses, meows frequently, scratches or is otherwise aggressive, you should keep your distance. Don’t try to catch or hold your cat, just sit down somewhere. The little house tiger simply does not want to be touched and you should respect that. Wait until your cat has relaxed.

Patch and cajole Once your cat calms down and you can touch it, spoil it with an extra portion of love. Speak slowly and calmly, pet where she likes most and try to relieve her of the high stress level.

Pack the snacks off Cats in heat are sometimes so fixated on finding a partner that they forget to eat or refuse food. Spoil your cat with their favorite food or try out new snacks! Yummi!

Distraction helps Does your cat have a Favourite toy? Then it’s time to use it. Play with your cat and try to distract her.

With scents to relax Certain scents can also have a calming effect on your cat. Lavender and basil have a calming effect. Feel free to try out a small aroma lamp – but not every cat likes scents. So watch her reaction.

Warmth Just at heat can work wonders for cats in heat. Feel free to try out a warm grain pillow here and see if your velvet paw calms down. Ideally, she will lie back and relax on the pillow and enjoy the extra warmth.

Catnip Catnip or cat balm is said to have a calming effect. The smell is supposed to relax and even make you more trusting. Many cats are obsessed with catnip, rubbing their heads against it or even nibbling on the plant. Just try it out if you have a mint lover at home. But beware – not all cats like the fragrant plant. And: If the kitty eats too much catnip, it can lead to stomach problems.

Rescue Drops In particularly stressful situations, Rescue drops with high-quality ingredients have a calming effect. Make sure it doesn’t contain valerian. While it has a calming effect on us humans, the opposite is true for cats. It is better to rely on active ingredients such as Ashwagandha, St. John’s Wort or hops – you will also find these ingredients in our Relax Liquid. Rescue drops can be helpful before visiting the vet, during the stress of moving or even when you are in heat.

Hygiene Just at cats in heat you should clean the litter box particularly often. During heat, the velvet paw likes to spread scent marks to attract hangovers. If you are unlucky and Mieze does not agree with the hygiene of her toilet, these are also distributed on furniture or walls. So better clean the litter box once more.

Men have to stay outside Cats in heat have one goal: to find a tomcat and make little kittens. If you don’t want that, you shouldn’t let a neutered tomcat near your cat either, it only leads to stress.

Stress as a permanent condition If your cat is constantly stressed, aggressive and can hardly be calmed down during heat, action is the order of the day. If you can’t explain to yourself where the stress is suddenly coming from and no tip or home remedy helps, then it’s time to go to the vet! Physical illnesses can also cause stress.

Cat in heat – does castration make sense? If cats are not castrated, they can go into heat several times a year. Especially if your cat becomes aggressive or is simply under constant stress, it can make sense to think about castration. Discuss this with your veterinarian!

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