Does your cat slurp? 5 tips against eating too hastily

Unfortunately, hasty eating is very common, especially with indoor cats. The looping in the cat has two disadvantages :

Guzzling cats often vomit right after eating, this is a direct result of eating too quickly and is not exactly healthy. If you eat too quickly, your cat will only feel full when it has already eaten much more than if it were eating slowly . It’s exactly the same with humans, by the way. The lack of satiety will keep your cat begging for more food all day long. There is a risk of obesity if you give in to begging too often! Cats swallow a lot of air when they eat too quickly. This can trigger hiccups. It sounds very similar to humans, a typical “hiccup” can then be heard. Possible Reasons Why Your Cat Is Eating Too Fast Cat looping usually occurs when your cat is competing for its food has or once had. Then it says: Eat as quickly as possible before you are scared away by another cat – Or: Eat quickly so that I can steal something from the other cat!

So if there are several cats live with you the case is clear. The food envy causes your kitties to gobble down their food. Cats from animal shelters, animal protection organizations or former stray cats are also familiar with this competitive situation when it comes to eating and therefore tend to eat hastily. They have gotten used to this way of eating.

This eating behavior can usually be improved a little and the cat can be persuaded to eat more slowly.

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5 tips: You can do this to prevent your cat from licking With these tips you will get yours Cat to eat slower:

1. Use anti-sling bowl You can get special bowls for cats, so-called “anti-sling bowls”, in well-stocked pet shops or simply on the Internet. These bowls are specially shaped, which has the following purpose: the cat should not have easy access to its food. She has to earn her way with her tongue and paws and can’t just gulp it down like that. Anti-sling bowls for cats work beautifully with both dry food and wet food.

Anti-sling bowls not only make your cat eat slower, they also make sure your kitty shakes her head regularly have to make an effort. This mental work will do your cat good, make it more relaxed and balanced.

Make sure that you can clean the bowl in the dishwasher, because of the special shape washing it by hand would be very difficult tedious. Tip: Soak the bowl well before you put it in the dishwasher!

2. Rather give several small portions A great tip if your cat likes to gorge and puke: it’s better to give it many small portions of food throughout the day than 2-3 large portions. Above all, this reduces the risk that she will vomit the food up again after eating it (too quickly). In addition, the feeling of satiety will set in after eating less cat food. Normally, this should lead to your velvet paw begging for food less often.

However, the many small portions should of course result in the same amount of food as before with the large portions!

3. Feeding multiple cats separately If you have several cats living with you, it is better to feed them separately from each other. This relaxes the situation and helps against food envy. Feeding them separately should lead to your velvet paws eating more slowly over time.

Because then they no longer have to worry about their food being stolen as soon as the other one is done. And vice versa, they don’t have to gulp down their food to be able to grab something from the other cat before it’s done.

Get your cats used to their new feeding places and close them when feeding the room doors between the individual rooms.

4. Place the bowl in an elevated position Put your cat’s bowl up a little. About so high that he is just below snout height. Your cat will eat a little slower this way. In addition, the food “slips” better and she swallows less air with it. This reduces the risk of vomiting after eating.

5. Feed larger chunks Wet food in particular (click here for our wet cat food test) is often served nice and small. This isn’t exactly helpful if you’re trying to break the habit of snuggling your cat. Because badly chopped up food, she can of course literally pump herself in without much chewing. So: pack her better big chunks in the bowl! Then she has a lot to chew and cannot “inhale” the food.

But beware: Some sling cats don’t bother at all with the thick chunks of food. And that can be dangerous if she eats those big chunks of food too quickly! You should therefore observe your cat closely when you first offer it roughly divided wet food.

Reading tips:

Vomiting in Cats – Triggers and Treatment Can cats drink milk? And is milk even healthy for her? Diarrhea in cats: what to do – step by step Featured image (top): sophiecat /

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