Experience with cannabidiol (CBD) in veterinary medicine

Cannabidiol, CBD for short, has been able to establish itself steadily in recent years and is continuously being researched. The application is no longer limited to humans. Animals should also benefit from the possible advantages of high-quality products. But how does CBD actually affect animals? Are there differences in terms of which animal gets CBD oil? What doses does an animal need and are side effects possible? We want to get to the bottom of these questions here.

This is what CBD oil consists of

The basis of the oil – cannabidiol – comes from the pollen and leaves of the (female) hemp plant. For the production, the active ingredient is specifically extracted from the plant, mostly with the help of CO2 extraction. In addition to CBD, the oils contain other ingredients, such as valuable vitamin E.

CBD oil should not be confused with cannabis oil. Because the latter contains larger amounts of the cannabinoid THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). The purpose of use here is primarily to achieve a state of intoxication. The THC content of CBD oil is 0.2 percent. It is so small that it is practically undetectable. There is also CBD oil, including animal and human users, that contains no THC at all.

The added value of CBD in animals

First of all, of course, the question arises as to how CBD affects animals such as dogs and cats. As in humans, it should serve to improve well-being on a physical and psychological level. The desired effect is therefore not fundamentally different. Animals, like humans, have what is known as an endocannabinoid system. It is a part of the nervous system that is responsible for various processes. The body therefore also produces endocannabinoids itself. If disorders such as diseases restrict this production, endocannabinoids can be supplied from the outside. This is where CBD oil comes in.

CBD oil serves the purpose of a sedative or pain reliever. For example, it is preferred for nervous or anxious pets. It is therefore not only worthwhile for regular use. But also on certain occasions, such as the unloved visit to the vet. Or any other required transport, which always tends to mean stress. Even animals with a fundamentally sensitive nervous system – for example due to a trauma suffered in the past – can benefit from CBD oil.

Oil dog
and cat really more relaxed and relieves pain? Initial studies already confirm that this is the case. In addition, here – as with so many herbal preparations – there is a large number of empirical values. This is an essential difference to the application in humans. Because they are able to imagine certain effects and thereby possibly falsify results. In animals, on the other hand, positive experiences are based on observations. They support that CBD affects animals positively. Therefore, not only private users use it. Veterinarians also specifically use CBD oil or other products.

There are indications that CBD oil is not only used to treat animals. Overall, the application seems to have a promising effect on the immune system. Accordingly, the oil can also be used preventively to possibly avoid infections. Or as support for overall health in terms of vitality and mobility.

CBD oil is most commonly used in dogs, cats and horses. But other animal species, such as various rodents, can also be supplied with it. It is important to match the preparation to the respective animal. CBD oil never serves as a substitute, but complements the rest of an animal’s supply. The right food and husbandry are central to an all-round happy and healthy animal. CBD oil makes a positive contribution.

Warning: Although humans and animals can benefit equally from CBD oil, there are significant differences in products and dosage. So please don’t get the idea of ​​sharing a supplement with your pet. You can find out why in the following sections.

Dosage and recommended dosage of CBD

Three factors serve as orientation for the dosage: the weight of the four-legged friend, the composition of the product and its individual tolerance. For the latter, it is important whether you administer the CBD to cat or dog. More on that later. You should also closely monitor your pet’s behavior. It is therefore advisable to use a lower dose at first. If the animal reacts positively to the intake, the dose can be gradually adjusted. Important: When it comes to pets, the premise “a lot helps a lot” should never apply. In the case of CBD in particular, this is not even necessary, as the majority of lower doses have the desired effect. If you want to administer CBD to your cat or dog, you will receive a very economical product by purchasing a suitable oil.

The dosage is also one of the reasons why animals should receive a special CBD oil. This is because it contains a lower concentration of cannabidiol than a human supplement. Fortunately, there is no need for sophisticated tactics for animals to ingest CBD oil. Most just lick it up pure. Alternatively, it can easily be mixed with the feed. For regular use, it is sufficient to administer the CBD oil once a day. Simply adjust to the feeding time of your animal and administer the product with the breakfast ration, for example.

Use high-quality CBD products

With CBD drops for animals, the same quality standards apply as for products aimed at people. It is important that the preparations are also intended for animals. This does not only apply to the cannabidiol content. The rest of the composition also plays an elementary role. The reason for this is, for example, the metabolism. Cats, for example, are not able to metabolize certain enzymes. Feeding them anyway means slowly poisoning them and eventually even killing them. Therefore, the golden rule applies: never give animals a human-oriented product. And for cats in particular: Use a product that is specially designed for cats. This ensures that your beloved fur nose gets exactly what it needs and tolerates.

The quality of the products starts with the correct declaration. Transparency with regard to origin, production and ingredients is also an absolute must. In addition to high-quality cannabidiol, the other ingredients are also important. Because CBD oil only unfolds its entire spectrum of effects in successful interaction. This also applies to the so-called bioavailability. This means how well a body absorbs and utilizes a preparation. It is also important that the product does not contain any potentially harmful ingredients. Since it is a plant extract, it is important that it is free of pesticides, for example.

With a Swiss FX Pets CBD oil, you rely on all the necessary quality standards. The products consist of 100 percent natural ingredients. They contain neither pesticides nor chemical fertilizers. Colorants and preservatives or artificial growth hormones also have no place in the products. They are also 100 percent free of THC. Since the CBD oil does not supply animals in general, but specifically, it is tailored to their needs.

A word on possible side effects

Fortunately, side effects seem to be the exception so far. If they do occur, they usually take the form of drowsiness and lethargy. Here it is again: Observe whether your animal behaves conspicuously beyond its regular rest periods. Diarrhea and vomiting are also possible after ingestion. However, the latter in particular is not related to the quality of the CBD oil, but is usually related to an overdose. This also applies if your animal suddenly reacts restless or overexcited instead of being sleepy. So: Reduce immediately and monitor further developments. In many animals, restlessness is also limited to the first intake of CBD drops. But the same applies here: Better not to experiment too much. It is better to (initially) dose lower. Adjustments can still be made – for example in consultation with the veterinarian.


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Photo: ©manwalk/pixelio.de / Post info: MM

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