Feed your cat properly – wrong food makes you sick

Most cats die these days kidney disease, and the main culprit is bad cat food. Most of the ingredients contained therein are harmful to cats. Here you can find out what you should look out for when buying cat food so that your cat stays healthy.

Debunking Substandard Cat Food In the fine print, food manufacturers hide the inferior ingredients in their food. They appear in the list of ingredients on the food can with euphonious names. It is therefore important to understand what these terms mean.

Manufacturers must indicate in the “Composition” the components of the feed, in descending order lineup. The ingredient with the largest proportion is to be found at the beginning of the list and the one with the smallest proportion at the end. That is the reason why the list of ingredients for cheap food does not start with meat, but mostly with rice, beet pulp or vegetable and animal by-products.

Cat food contains harmful filling material Cats are absolutely pure carnivores, therefore grain, rice, Vegetables or fruit have no place in their diet. But that’s exactly what ends up in cat food as cheap stuffing.

For the cat’s organism, these stuffing materials are pure hazardous waste that has to be disposed of at great expense. Organs such as the liver and kidneys are damaged. So it’s not surprising why every second cat dies from kidney disease today. Supplementary feed and supporting medicines can be found here.

Do you want your cat to stay healthy for a long time?

Bad cat food makes cats sick – give your cat something better – our test winner:

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Let’s take a look at the ingredients list Animal by-products This means:

Bone Meal Shredded Fur, Bones and FeathersFeathermealBeaks and FeetWool Urine and BloodHornsIntestines and Pig Bristleetc. Meat Meat means muscle meat, but also throat, udder, Lung, ground cowhide, connective tissue and ultimately everything for human consumption people is not allowed. Anything that does not yet belong to the slaughterhouse waste is called meat here.

It makes a huge difference whether high-quality muscle meat or inferior leftovers from human food production are used . Both are meat on the banderole. If meat and by-products are combined on the packaging, you should be careful, because this is almost certainly only inferior leftovers.

Make sure that at least 81 % meat are used and choose foods where the declaration is really accurate. Inferior meat damages the cat’s organism.

Other ingredients Vegetable by-products and grain: This also includes waste products from the human food industry, namely crushed peanut shells, wheat gluten, grain waste, flour, soybeans, lignocellulose, rice and sugar beet pulp. All of these waste products damage the kidneys and liver and can cause urinary stones and diabetes. Often contains ready-made food 78 % Grain! Sugar and foods containing sugar: this includes sugar, syrup, caramel, beet pulp, leaves and greens, molasses, sucrose, muscovite, fondant, glucose, galachose, dextrose, farin, maltodextrin, glycogen, fructose, isoglucose, xylitol, sorbitol, candisfarin and hexose. The industry disguises sugar with other terms. Sugar and Co. damage the pancreas and intestinal flora and cause diabetes, diarrhea and severe tooth damage. Antioxidants: These are nothing more than preservatives such as BHA, BHT, propyl gallate, ethoxyquin and vitamins E and C, the last two of which are not harmful . Antioxidants, better preservatives, cause deformities, allergies, nerve and liver damage. In experiments with mice, they also proved to be carcinogenic. Vegetable by-products and grain: This also refers to waste products from the human food industry, namely crushed peanut shells, wheat gluten, grain waste, flour, soybeans, lignocellulose, rice and sugar beet pulp. All of these waste products damage the kidneys and liver and can cause urinary stones and diabetes. Often contains ready-made food 78 % Grain! Featured image: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.com

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Hello! My name is Dominik Hollenbach, I am the founder of Katzenkram. I’ve lived with cats since I was a child, and I’ve always been intensively involved with these fascinating creatures.

The subject of healthy nutrition for cats is particularly close to my heart. There is just way too much bad and unhealthy cat food on the market.

That’s why I test a lot with my five cats PonPon, Bella, Tequila, Azrael and Lori different varieties and evaluate them according to ingredients, declaration, analytical components, acceptance and tolerability.

As a nutritionist for cats, I know exactly what is important for good cat food . Our cat food test should help everyone to find the best cat food quickly and easily!

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% discount for our cat food test winner

This is ANIfit: 99% Swedish food quality meat, without any additives and with an absolutely honest declaration.

Applies to new customers and can be redeemed in the shop’s shopping cart. We recommend the “feed conversion package”.

Coupon Code:

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