Supplementary feed for horses

Sugar-free, natural, tailored to the needs of the horse – that’s what makes the right supplementary feed for your horse. Find out now!

There is a large range of nutritional supplements for horses. Finding the right additional food for your darling in the jungle of offers can be a challenge – but it doesn’t have to be! We reveal what you should look out for when buying, which ingredients in the feed have no place and how which supplemental aids support your horse.

Additional feed, but please do not add anything!

Clearly: Feed additives should actively contribute to the health of contribute to your horse. Therefore, when buying, make sure that the product quality is as high as possible. High-quality additional feed for horses works with predominantly natural active ingredients Рthe scope of the additives listed on the products should therefore be as small as possible. Because nutrient and mineral suppliers that are as natural as possible are not only metabolized better by your darling, they also ensure that no undesirable side effects occur as a result of supplementary feeding. Also important to know: Near-natural ingredients in supplementary feed for horses tend to be more compliant with the ADMR (anti-doping and drug control rules), which is particularly relevant for sport riders and their prot̩g̩s.

Additional feed for horses – preferably without sugar As a readily available source of energy, sugar is one of the best-known carbohydrates. In nature, carbohydrates are mainly found in plants, which is why they are the main component of horse nutrition. The carbohydrate sugar is not as bad as its reputation suggests: it is essential for the proper functioning of the horse’s brain and nervous system. Large and healthy horses of optimum weight can therefore tolerate up to 2.5 kg of sugar per day. However, this amount describes the maximum and should not be part of the daily horse feed. If your darling regularly eats too much sugar, the undigested sugar content gets into the horse’s large intestine. There it often throws the organism out of balance and causes health problems and bacterial imbalance. Diarrhea, the colic and fecal water feared by riders can be the result. Horses that eat too much sugar every day also often suffer from obesity, diabetes or the unpleasant laminitis, in which the connecting layer between the coffin bone and the horny capsule becomes severely inflamed.

Already knew? Especially in the grazing season you should keep an eye on the sugar intake of your horse, because fresh grass is particularly sugary! Up to g of sugar are in 1 kg of hay.

Due to the increased amount of sugar in horse feed, it is difficult to track the sugar consumption of Silbermond, Amadeus and Co. on a daily basis. That’s why it’s so important to avoid extra sugar whenever possible. Sugar should therefore be avoided as an ingredient, especially in supplementary feed for horses. Practical: All Annimally products do not contain any added sugar and provide your horse with everything it needs.

When does your horse need additional feed? High-performance athletes, young hoppers and seniors have different nutrient requirements – this also applies to the animal world! The choice of the right additional feed for horses depends not least on which organ system of your four-legged friend is to be addressed and supported: It is best to feed some additional feed before training in order to strengthen the muscles, promote muscle growth or maintain the horse’s electrolyte balance . Other little helpers are used for prevention and nutrient supply. Basically it can be said that the feeding of important minerals and trace elements via high-quality nutritional supplements is important for all horses, because normal feed is not sufficient for the supply.

While calcium, vitamins, zinc, various sulfur compounds, copper and selenium are considered the most important ingredients for supplemental feed, there are other substances that can make a significant contribution to the health of your horse. These include, for example, iodine as an essential trace element or the enzyme component biotin. Electrolyte supply should also not be neglected, especially for horses that are trained regularly.

That’s how you find it the right additional feed for horses

With just one click you can easily shop online for a wide variety of food supplements from different categories for your darling – but beware: additional food is not the same as additional food! Before you buy, you should familiarize yourself with the respective active ingredients and their effect on the horse’s body and mind. Because different nutrients and minerals appeal to different organ systems. We reveal which ingredients work how and provide an overview of the additional food offer.

Seaweed as an important source of iodine Full sea power ahead: The seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum is known for its high nutrient content and is not only considered a “superfood” by bipeds. Incidentally, horses hardly absorb any natural iodine from their food. However, the horse’s body relies on iodine to function properly. As an important supplier of the trace element, feeding seaweed is therefore relevant for horses of all ages: the seaweed prevents and compensates for deficiencies. It supports and regulates metabolic functions – for example those of the thyroid gland – and plays a key role in cell growth. In addition, seaweed promotes digestion and has a positive influence on fur and oral hygiene. Our seaweed flour consists of 100% natural seaweed and can be mixed into the horse feed every day.

Strong horse nerves thanks to feed additive Did you know that a lack of certain nutrients in horses can have not only physical but also mental effects? A magnesium or vitamin B deficiency, for example, can cause a tense and overstimulated nervous system. The consequences are restlessness and overstimulation. If your horse tends to be nervous, additional feed with magnesium, B vitamins and natural ingredients such as valerian or hops can help to relax.

Magnesium, MSM and Glucosamine for joints, tendons and bones

Magnesium not only plays an important role for the horse’s psyche: If there is a deficiency, muscle cramps can result, for example. In order for everything in your horse’s musculoskeletal system to run “smoothly”, it needs other ingredients that are contained in many supplementary feeds: While methylsulfonylmethane, MSM for short, as a supplier of sulphur, protects the joint functions, the building block glucosamine in the supplementary feed ensures, for example, tendons and ligaments function properly. A treat for the muscles!

Healthy skin and shiny hair thanks to biotin Healthy horse skin, shiny coat and strong horn: Biotin is a tried and tested ingredient in the world of supplementary feed. The water-soluble vitamin is good for hooves, skin and coat. At the same time, it promotes creatine formation and can support horn growth.

Electrolyte balance in balance
A particularly important category! Especially with well-trained horses, the importance of optimal electrolyte supply is repeatedly mentioned. And with good reason: Because the increased sweat production caused by hard training sessions automatically leads to a loss of electrolytes. But even hot summer days can really affect your horse’s electrolyte balance. But what are electrolytes anyway?

The so-called electrolytes are substances that can conduct electricity in aqueous solution and occur as ions (i.e. as negatively and positively charged particles). The best-known representatives include calcium, sodium and potassium.

Looking for ion power for your darling? With an optimal combination of nutrients and the natural power of acerola, Annimally’s Electrolyte Liquid ensures a balanced electrolyte balance.

Vitamin E and selenium for more Muscle strength Supplementary feed with vitamin E and selenium should contribute to the muscle health of your horse. But how do these substances do it? Since vitamin E cannot be produced by the horse’s body itself, it must be ingested through food. Supplementary feeds containing vitamin E are therefore equally relevant for all horses. Because vitamin E supports the cell renewal of your horse and can contribute to horse fitness with strengthened muscles. Since the selenium concentration in our soil has been falling for decades, it makes sense to add this trace element to our diet. In the horse’s body, it contributes to detoxification and supports the immune system’s defenses.

Zinc – an indispensable trace element for horses In the everyday life of riders and horses, a zinc deficiency often causes suffering and frustration: a dull-looking mane, brittle hooves and skin irritation are often the result. Because the zinc content in hay and concentrated feed continues to fall, the trace element that is indispensable for the horse’s body, more and more horse parents are turning to suitable supplementary feed. With purely organically bound zinc, volcanic zeolite and natural brewer’s yeast, our zinc pellets ensure an optimal zinc balance. And best of all: Like all our products, our zinc pellets have been developed together with veterinarians and have been scientifically tested.

Omega 3 fatty acids for horses A vital fatty acid for horses, which is contained, for example, in salmon oil or linseed oil – so to speak, nature’s best! Please only feed oils from cold pressing, cool storage and lightproof containers, this is the only way to guarantee a high omega-3 content.

Tips for additional horse feeding Even if additional feed is useful for horses, feeds should be chosen with care. The best way to decide which additional feed is suitable for the needs of your darling is together with your veterinarian.

In order for your horse to be optimally cared for, the additional feed must also be tailored to the needs of your sweetheart. In the worst case, an overdose can be harmful. Therefore, always observe the manufacturer’s feeding recommendations and use the measuring cups, spoons or dosing bottles that are included. But the combination of different supplementary feeds can also lead to harmful oversupply. In particular, avoid a combination of products that are designed to combat similar problems. If in doubt, look very closely at the listed ingredients or consult your veterinarian.

Last but not least, we once again underline the importance of high supplementary feed quality and the possible doping relevance: Therefore, check the supplementary feed of your choice for discoloration or even mold and only feed products that are of impeccable quality. Supplementary feed can be peppered with ingredients that are doping-relevant. Especially before participating in riding tournaments or other performance tests in sport, you should check carefully whether your additional feed is ADMR-compliant and how long any waiting periods are.

All supplementary food from this article summarized:

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Joy of exercise – joint powder for horses

Joint Liquid – MSM + Glucosamine + Te Devil’s Claw for Horses

Nerve Strength Relax Powder – Sedative for Horses

Relax Liquid – Sedative Horse

Muscle Power Powder – Amino acids for muscle building for horses

Vitamin E / Selenium & Lysine Powder – Vitamin E + Selenium + Lysine for horses

Zinc Pellets – High dose zinc for Horses

Gastric Intestinal Liquid – Stomach Protection Horse

Biotin Liquid – Biotin for Horses

Electrolyte Liquid – Electrolytes for horses

Bronchial Liquid – cough syrup for horses

Liver-kidney Liquid – liver-kidney detoxification horse

Linseed oil – Pure linseed oil for horses

Lax-Oil – Pure salmon oil for horses

Seaweed meal – 400% natural for horses

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