Zinc deficiency in horses

How to recognize a zinc deficiency in your horse and what you can do about it. Read it now!

Zinc – as one of the most important trace elements of all, it is indispensable for the horse’s body. But what makes it so important and what happens when your steed suffers from a zinc deficiency? We give tips for the optimal zinc supply for your horse, what causes a deficiency and how you can recognize it and fight it.

So you can not only recognize a zinc deficiency in the horse in the future, but also prevent it directly.

So zinc deficiency occurs in the horse If your horse’s body is not supplied with enough zinc, in most cases this is due to the fact that your horse does not have sufficient amounts of the trace element in its basic feed picks up. And that’s no wonder: because the zinc content in concentrated feed and hay has continued to fall in recent years. Although every horse is dependent on the daily intake of zinc, there are some even-toed ungulates that have a particular need for the trace element.

This group includes, for example, older or growing horses, pregnant or lactating mares, stallions during mating or stressed animals. But sick animals are also dependent on the increased zinc supply. If your horse suffers from a chronic skin infection such as mud fever or is prone to eczema and hives, it is particularly in need of zinc. Horses with fertility disorders, liver diseases or poor hoof quality also benefit greatly from the trace element. Be sure to avoid zinc deficiency for these horses!

Determining zinc deficiency in horses Without zinc it looks bad – in the truest sense of the word. If your horse is emaciated and susceptible to infections or suffers from allergies, poor skin, coat and hoof horn quality, these can be signs of a zinc deficiency. Particularly bad: A zinc deficiency in trotters can also make itself felt in terms of behavior: If your horse behaves noticeably jumpy, this can also be due to a lack of the trace element. This is because a lack of zinc in horses can promote nervous conditions. So if your horse literally sees ghosts, it may not be mentally ill, but simply zinc deficient.

What symptoms can you look out for? Whether your horse actually suffers from a zinc deficiency or not can usually be determined by the veterinarian using the zinc level in the horse’s blood. The best way to do this is to check the value again and again over a longer period of time. Why? The zinc content in the blood sometimes fluctuates significantly. In addition to taking blood, your trusted uncle doctor can also use hair samples to find out whether your darling is lacking in zinc. It is also worth taking a look at the zinc content in the basic feed, which tells you whether your darling is being supplied with sufficient zinc through the daily diet or not.

What do horses need zinc for? But: What for does the horse’s body need zinc at all? As a necessary component of more than 200 different enzymes in your horse’s organism, the substance ensures that these enzymes function properly . Zinc has an influence on protein synthesis (i.e. the formation of new proteins in cells) and cell division.

But that’s not all: Also for a functioning immune system, good eyesight, strong mucous membranes and the optimal one The trace element zinc is of great importance for the function of various hormones. In addition, zinc plays an important role in metabolism. Because in order to be able to metabolize fats and carbohydrates properly, your pet’s organism also needs the trace element. Especially in the grazing season, Silbermond, Amadeus and Co. need a good portion of the material. As an active cell protector and real all-round talent, zinc is therefore indispensable for all horses. Conclusion: Whether skin, coat or metabolism – without the right ration of zinc nothing works for the horse!

Goodbye to zinc deficiency – this is a remedy for horses Preventing zinc deficiency in horses: So that your darling every day met with the best supply of zinc, you can do a lot when feeding horses. And the best news: Combating or preventing acute zinc deficiency is very easy! With the help of high-quality dietary supplements, you can ensure that your darling never lacks zinc: For example, with the zinc pellets from Annimally. In a natural way, our purely organically bound zinc, in combination with natural brewer’s yeast, volcanic zeolite and vegetable sainfoin, ensures the optimal supply of the trace element. Thanks to high bioavailability, the substance arrives safely in the horse’s organism and is optimally utilized there.

The zinc pellets for horses can be fed as a treatment or daily together with the basic feed. Anyone who is afraid of a zinc overdose can rest easy: Because this case is more than unlikely in horses. And we also explain why! Zinc utilization is regulated by the horse’s body itself. If your favorite companion absorbs more zinc than it needs, the horse’s body automatically reduces the absorption of the trace element in the small intestine. Excess zinc is simply excreted again. Handy, right? Nevertheless, a maximum value is set in practice, which should not be exceeded when feeding zinc. For example, a 600 kg horse should not exceed 1. mg zinc received in the form of feed or feed supplements.

Helpful products against zinc deficiency in horses: High dose zinc pellets for Horses for the ideal zinc supply

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